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October 03, 2016
Typical street in the old city
As mentioned, Gamla Stan is the island on which the Royal Palace is located, the soul of the city one may say. Land was scarce around the Castle and other governmental, religious and military buildings thus the buildings tend to be very closed together having as a result this particular narrow streets.
October 02, 2016
Sunset in the woods
At Nockeby station, the west end terminal of the Nockebybanan tramway, there's barely any construction surrounding it. This sunset was taken a few meters "out" of the station, literally, the woods.
October 01, 2016
Royal Guard at the gate
You can find Royal Guards at every single entrance to the Royal Palace. They regularly wear the same uniform but if the guards in charge belong to another specific branch of the Armed Forced they will most likely wear the uniform that belongs to that particular branch.
You can also enjoy the Change of the Guard, which takes place everyday around noon. There's always a schedule with updated date and times close to the area where the event takes place. The best change of Guard, in my experience, is when the Cavalry is part of it (just my humble opinion :D )
September 30, 2016
While walking from Stockholm's Södra Station to Medborgarplatsen, or vice versa, you will unequivocally arrive to Fatbursparken. It is a simple park but what makes it a nice place for just a relaxing walk or even a picnic is the crescent-shaped building designed by Ricardo Bofill, and known as the «Bofills båge», depicted below. The building will be on your right —if you are going towards Medborgarplatsen— or left —going towards Södra Station—. In the image you can also appreciate the «Afrodites brunn» fountain by Roland Haeberlein, sadly, off duty.
September 29, 2016
Central Train Station
This is the Stockholm's Central Train Station or simply Centralstation. This is the neural center of interurban/intercity commuting; as almost all European capitals, Stockholm is well served by rail services to other major Swedish cities and other neighboring foreign cities. IMO, when you are here you feel like time has stopped, as if you were in the 1950s. Have I told you that I love trains?
September 28, 2016
City's Theater
This is Stadsteatern or The City's Theater, the main venue for big or renown productions coming to the Capital of Scandinavia. For example, the day I took that picture they were presenting the musical «Chicago».
As you can see, downtown Stockholm is very versatile.
September 27, 2016
The King's Garden
Kungsträdgården or The King's Garden is a major reunion point for the locals, many times —perhaps weekends would be more appropriate— a year there are mini concerts and other kind of company-sponsored kind of festivals and it's close to both the river and the popular spots around.
Are you a Swedish national? Do you have a Swedish personal number ( personnummer )? If so, chances are that a lot of your personal informati...
This little pier is located at the shores of the Hammarby sjö (lake); IMO, the area is very beautiful, perhaps the best to live in according...
Si existe un medio de transporte al cual considero como todo un clásico es el ferrocarril. Todavía recuerdo esos viajes en tren a Monterre...