October 17, 2018

[Surviving Sweden] How to remove your personal data from eniro.se, hitta.se and ratsit.se

Are you a Swedish national? Do you have a Swedish personal number (personnummer)? If so, chances are that a lot of your personal information is being displayed on websites such as eniro.se, hitta.se, ratsit.se, and, for certain, on many other sites that I am not aware they even exist. I would recommend you to bookmark this page for future reference, as I will be expanding it as long as I find ways to get my personal information from those up-to-today-unknown-to-me sites.
[Poster: GDPR Privacy Invasion]


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July 24, 2018

Bloglovin' ;-)

Sometimes I forget I am subscribed to so many services, for instance, I don't know since when I have my bloglovin' and I've never put it anywhere. Oh well.

Here it is ^_^

Follow my blog with Bloglovin'

